das hat die Katze doch schon öfter gemacht, oder nich?! EMELL! kaum bin ich hier und das Licht im Bad geht nicht mehr!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< that there that's not me i go where i please i walk through walls i float down the liffey i'm not here this isn't happening i'm not here i'm not here
in a little while i'll be gone the moment's already passed yeah it's gone and i'm not here this isn't happening i'm not here i'm not here
strobe lights and blown speakers fireworks and hurricanes i'm not here this isn't happening i'm not here i'm not here
Im Grunde ist "Iphigenie auf Tauris" von Goethe wirklich gut. Kein Wunder, dass der Mann so berühmt geworden ist. Auch wenn ich mit der Meinung vielleicht alleine dastehe: "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" fand ich auch sehr gut. ------------------------------------------------------ Woher willst du wissen, dass meine dämliche Unerfahrenheit nicht in Wahrheit eine ausgeklügelte Form von Manipulation ist, durch die ich die Erwartungen der Menschen lenke und mir dadurch den Vorteil verschaffe in jeder gegebenen Situation ungestört zu Werke zu gehen??
kalte Kopfkissen? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Said the straight man to the late man Where have you been I've been here and I've been there And I've been in between.
I talk to the wind My words are all carried away I talk to the wind The wind does not hear The wind cannot hear.
I'm on the outside looking inside What do I see Much confusion disillusion All around me.
You don't possess me Don't impress me Just upset my mind Can't instruct me or conduct me Just use up my time
I talk to the wind My words are all carried away I talk to the wind The wind does not hear The wind cannot hear.
ich will NicNacs <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
you wanna make me sick; you wanna lick my wounds, don't you, baby? you want the badge of honor when you save my hide but you're the one in the way of the day of doom, baby if you need my shame to reclaim your pride and when i think of it, my fingers turn to fists i never did anything to you, man but no matter what i try you'll beat me with your bitter lies so call me crazy, hold me down make me cry; got off now, baby- it wont be long till you'll be lying limp in your own hand you feed the beast i have within me you wave the red flag, baby you make it run run run standing on the sidelines, waving and grinning you fondle my trigger, then you blame my gun and when i think of it, my fingers turn to fists i never did anything to you, man but no matter what i try you'll beat me with your bitter lies so call me crazy, hold me down make me cry; get off now, baby- it wont be long till you'll be lying limp in your own hand
ich glaub, das geht uns allen ab und zu mal so, nein, ich glaube nicht, ich weiss es, aber in Wirklichkeit wollen wir eigentlich gar nicht verschwinden, weil wir doch zu sehr daran hängen, hier zu sein
oh, welch großartige Beteiligung mal wieder hier <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
this song leaks out onto the pavement it could be a joke, it could be a statement the more that i fake it and pretend i don't care the more you can read in to what isn't there
maybe it's time to stop swimming maybe it's time to find out where i'm at what i should do and where i should be but no-one will give me a map
i'll leave now this can't continue but i forget which door i came through and i know what the lift can be painfully slow so i'm happy to leave by the window
Heeeeeeeey.... ab in den Süüdeeen, der Sonne hinterher... hey yo was geht... der Sonne hinterher... hey yo was geht... **************************************************
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