Gibt es etwas oder jemanden, von dem ihr besessen seid? __________________________________________________
true love waits
i'll drown my beliefs to have you be in peace i'll dress like your niece to wash your swollen feet just don't leave don't leave i'm not living i'm just killing time your tiny hands your crazy kitten smile just don't leave don't leave and true love waits in haunted attics and true love lives on lollipops and crisps just don't leave don't leave just don't leave don't leave
I find it hard to drive your stupid car I find it hard cause i never get that far and you put my brain in overload and i can't change gears i cannot see the road
you got concrete eyes and i cannot see your face and i failed in life cause you crushed me with you hands
and you put my brain in overload i can't change gears i cannot see the road
I find it hard to drive your stupid car I find it hard cause i never get that far and you put my brain in overload and i can't change gears i cannot see the road
you got concrete eyes and i cannot see your face and i failed in life cause you crushed me with you hands
and you put my brain in overload i can't change gears i cannot see the road
I find it hard to drive your stupid car I find it hard cause i never get that far and you put my brain in overload and i can't change gears i cannot see the road
you got concrete eyes and i cannot see your face and i failed in life cause you crushed me with you hands
and you put my brain in overload i can't change gears i cannot see the road
In letzter Zeit bin ich von frischer Luft (hört sich doof an, ist aber so) und Fingerknacken besessen ------------------------------------------------------ Woher willst du wissen, dass meine dämliche Unerfahrenheit nicht in Wahrheit eine ausgeklügelte Form von Manipulation ist, durch die ich die Erwartungen der Menschen lenke und mir dadurch den Vorteil verschaffe in jeder gegebenen Situation ungestört zu Werke zu gehen??
ich war vor ungefähr zwei Jahren so besessen von frischer Luft, dass ich es fast nicht ertragen konnte, drinnen zu hocken <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Stupid Car
I find it hard to drive your stupid car I find it hard cause i never get that far and you put my brain in overload and i can't change gears i cannot see the road
you got concrete eyes and i cannot see your face and i failed in life cause you crushed me with you hands
and you put my brain in overload i can't change gears i cannot see the road
ja, das kann ich gut nachvollziehen ------------------------------------------------------ Woher willst du wissen, dass meine dämliche Unerfahrenheit nicht in Wahrheit eine ausgeklügelte Form von Manipulation ist, durch die ich die Erwartungen der Menschen lenke und mir dadurch den Vorteil verschaffe in jeder gegebenen Situation ungestört zu Werke zu gehen??
ich glaube, ich bin im Moment besessen von schlaf... cih könnte immer schlafen in letzter Zeit... bin sogar heute in Geschichte eingepennt... zwar nur kurz... aber naja... es war etwas unangenehm... ich glaube, der Montag haut mich um ;) ...egal... da muss ich jetzt durch!
momentan bin ich von einer Feuerwehr-Uniform besessen
und der dazugehörigen Sonnenbrille <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Stupid Car
I find it hard to drive your stupid car I find it hard cause i never get that far and you put my brain in overload and i can't change gears i cannot see the road
you got concrete eyes and i cannot see your face and i failed in life cause you crushed me with you hands
and you put my brain in overload i can't change gears i cannot see the road
ich bin besessen von japanischem Pflaumenwein, den hab ich mir heute gekauft und ich muss mich immer beherrschen, dass ich nicht gleich die ganze Flasche austrinke....hat nämlich auch ein paar Prozente und die bekommen mir ja bekanntlich nicht soooo gut, nicht mal, wenn ich nur wenig trinke.... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Stupid Car
I find it hard to drive your stupid car I find it hard cause i never get that far and you put my brain in overload and i can't change gears i cannot see the road
you got concrete eyes and i cannot see your face and i failed in life cause you crushed me with you hands
and you put my brain in overload i can't change gears i cannot see the road
momentan bin ich besessen davon, "Lullaby" von The Cure zu hören
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Show me, show me, show me How you do that trick The one that makes me scream she said The one that makes me laugh she said And threw her arms around my neck Show me how you do it And I promise you I promise that I’ll run away with you I’ll run away with you Spinning on that dizzy edge I kissed her face and kissed her head And dreamed of all the different ways I had To make her glow Why are you so far away? she said Why won’t you ever know that I’m in love with you That I’m in love with you
You Soft and only You Lost and lonely You Strange as angels Dancing in the deepest oceans Twisting in the water You’re just like a dream
Daylight licked me into shape I must have been asleep for days And moving lips to breathe her name I opened up my eyes And found myself alone alone Alone above a raging sea That stole the only girl I loved And drowned her deep inside of me
You Soft and only You Lost and lonely You Just like heaven
hö hö hö hö hö hö hö hö hö <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< i jumped in the river and what did I see? black-eyed angels swimming with me a moon full of stars and astral cars all the figures i used to see all my lovers were there with me all my past and futures and we all went to heaven in a little row boat
there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
i jumped in the river black-eyed angels swimming with me a moon full of stars and astral cars all the figures i used to see all my lovers were there with me all my past and futures and we all went to heaven in a little row boat
there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt