140... es nähert sich immer mehr dem Ende ;)... du solltest ein Buch über deine Zeit im Altenheim schreiben... es würde bestimmt ein Bestseller werden **************************************************
Hast du nix zu tun? Hast du Lust auf Party?
Hör mal zu: Ich bin hier! Und wo bist? Jetzt komm mit mir. Ich bin die Partybiene.
Komm lass alles stehn! Wir tanzen wie die Biene. Möchtest du mal sehn? Ich zeig dir wie das OH OH!
Wir gehn' so richtig ab Da wackeln hier die Waende Hier macht jetz keiner schlapp Da machen wir (ah ah)
also, ich nehme an, jetzt sind´s noch 136 Tage, richtig?
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Said the straight man to the late man Where have you been I've been here and I've been there And I've been in between.
I talk to the wind My words are all carried away I talk to the wind The wind does not hear The wind cannot hear.
I'm on the outside looking inside What do I see Much confusion disillusion All around me.
You don't possess me Don't impress me Just upset my mind Can't instruct me or conduct me Just use up my time
I talk to the wind My words are all carried away I talk to the wind The wind does not hear The wind cannot hear.
131 Tage.... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Said the straight man to the late man Where have you been I've been here and I've been there And I've been in between.
I talk to the wind My words are all carried away I talk to the wind The wind does not hear The wind cannot hear.
I'm on the outside looking inside What do I see Much confusion disillusion All around me.
You don't possess me Don't impress me Just upset my mind Can't instruct me or conduct me Just use up my time
I talk to the wind My words are all carried away I talk to the wind The wind does not hear The wind cannot hear.
hatte der November 30 oder 31 Tage? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Heftur Með Gaddavír Í Kjaftinum Sem Blæðir Mig Læstur Er Lokaður Inn Í Búri Dýr Nakinn Ber Á Mig Og Bankar Upp Á Frelsari Ótaminn Setur Í Ný Batterí Og Hleður Á Ný Við Tætum Tryllt Af Stað Út Í Óvissuna Þar Til Að Við Rústum Öllu Og Reisum Aftur Aftur Á Ný Aftur Á Bak Þar Sem Við Ríðum Aftur Með Gaddavír Í Kjaftinum Sem Rífur Upp Gamalt Gróið Sár Er Orðinn Ryðguð Sál Rafmagnið Búið Mig Langar Að Skera Og Rista Sjálfan Mig Á Hol En Þori Það Ekki Frekar Slekk Ég Á Mér Aleinn Á Ný
jetzt noch 106 Tage?!?.... bin mir aber nicht sicher... entweder 106 oder 105... oder irgendwie sowas :) **************************************************
Hast du nix zu tun? Hast du Lust auf Party?
Hör mal zu: Ich bin hier! Und wo bist? Jetzt komm mit mir. Ich bin die Partybiene.
Komm lass alles stehn! Wir tanzen wie die Biene. Möchtest du mal sehn? Ich zeig dir wie das OH OH!
Wir gehn' so richtig ab Da wackeln hier die Waende Hier macht jetz keiner schlapp Da machen wir (ah ah)